Privacy & Confidentiality Policy

Policy Purpose

At Laneways Rehabilitation and Ergonomics, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional services while safeguarding your privacy and confidentiality throughout all interactions with us. This document describes our commitment to handling your personal information responsibly.

Understanding Personal Information and Its Collection

Personal information refers to data that can identify an individual, such as names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers. This also encompasses health information, which pertains to an individual’s physical or mental health or disabilities.

We gather your personal information through various methods, including interviews, emails, phone calls, our website, public sources, and third parties, to:

  • Determine your eligibility for services.
  • Ensure safe and effective service provisioning.
  • Monitor the quality of our services.
  • Comply with contractual obligations to provide aggregated, non-identifiable data to funders.

We will always inform you about the reasons for collecting your information and its intended uses.

Handling Third-Party Information

While we prefer to collect personal information directly from you, there are instances where we may receive information from third parties, such as other disability support services. In these cases, we take steps to ensure you are informed about the information received.

Disclosure of Personal Information

We disclose your personal information only under specific circumstances, including:

  • To avert a serious threat to health or safety.
  • To external agencies with your or your representative’s consent.
  • With authorisation from a legally empowered individual.
  • To comply with legal requirements or mandatory reporting duties.
Security and Disposal of Personal Information

We store your information securely to prevent unauthorised access, loss, or misuse. Once your information is no longer required, we take steps to destroy or de-identify it, adhering to the State Records Authority of Victoria’s guidelines.

Accessing and Correcting Your Information

You can request access to or correction of your personal information. We aim to process such requests promptly and may require identification for information release. While access is generally granted, it may be restricted in certain circumstances, such as for legal reasons or to protect others’ privacy.

Ensuring Information Accuracy

We strive to keep your information current and accurate. If you notice any inaccuracies, please inform us so we can update our records and continue providing high-quality services.


Laneways Rehabilitation and Ergonomics is dedicated to upholding the strictest confidentiality standards regarding client information. Our company recognises the critical nature of protecting sensitive data, which encompasses legal documents, client lists, trade secrets, financial records, and individual client details. All staff are educated and obliged to maintain these confidentiality protocols during their employment and after their departure from the company. In the unlikely event of any unauthorised release of confidential information, you will be notified, and appropriate mitigation processes will be carried out.

Policy Review and Updates

We regularly review our privacy, confidentiality, and records management policies, incorporating feedback from clients, staff, and stakeholders.

Feedback and Complaints

For enquiries or complaints regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact:

Laneways Rehabilitation and Ergonomics Management

Phone: 0430155036 Email:

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