About Us

Laneways Rehabilitation and Ergonomics is an innovative healthcare business inspired by the distinctive character of Melbourne’s laneways. Just as each laneway tells a unique story, we believe every individual’s health journey is deeply personal and deserving of tailored care.

Founded by Nadia Walton, a physiotherapist with a profound and extensive commitment to advancing care for those living with obesity and ergonomic health, Laneways is dedicated to fostering environments where everyone, especially individuals in larger bodies, can thrive.

Our commitment to size diversity and inclusion

At Laneways, we advocate for a holistic understanding of obesity as a complex, chronic condition not to place blame or shame on any individuals. We champion the right of every individual to receive dignified care, free from bias or discrimination.

Our services are designed not only to improve health outcomes but also to enhance the quality of life for individuals in larger bodies, guided by their personal goals and choices.

We work to reduce weight stigma and create more size-inclusive communities. We recognise people express a range of preferences around language associated with body size and acknowledge the word obesity can be perceived as hurtful to some. We use this word as common medical language to communicate with other healthcare providers and do not use it in a pejorative manner.

We continue to learn more from those with lived experience and incredible size-inclusive activists. We are committed to unlearning anti-fat bias and use our individual size experience and privilege for good, today and in the future.

Laneways Rehabilitation -Reduce Weight Stigma - Size-Inclusive Communities

Hi, I’m Nadia,

She/Her | Founder of Laneways, Physiotherapist & Obesity Care Consultant

With over a decade of experience navigating the complexities of both public and private healthcare sectors, Nadia has cultivated a deep understanding of the challenges and biases faced by individuals living with obesity.

Her career is marked by a relentless pursuit of equitable, evidence-based care, and a passion for educating healthcare professionals and corporate organisations on the importance of size inclusivity and ergonomic safety.

World Obesity Federation Scope Accrediation

Obesity Management Course

Laneways Rehab - Nadia Walton - UNSW Logo

Master of Health Management

Nadia’s vision is clear: A healthcare landscape where every individual is met with understanding, respect, and care tailored to their unique needs—regardless of body size.

“I envision a world where conversations about size are conducted with dignity, where organisations are equipped to provide inclusive experiences, and where the stigma surrounding obesity is dismantled.

“It’s also important for me to continue to acknowledge my unearned privilege. As a thin woman, I do not encounter anti-fat bias. I am not discriminated against due to my size in any aspect of my life, and am given evidence based healthcare without being told to “just lose weight” like those in larger bodies experience. Working to unlearn my own anti-fat bias is a lifelong journey I am committed to.”

Our Mission

Revolutionising care and support

Laneways is more than a healthcare provider; we are advocates for change. Our mission is twofold:
To revolutionise care for individuals in larger bodies, ensuring they receive compassionate, personalised care that addresses their specific needs without prejudice.
To empower healthcare professionals and corporate entities with the knowledge and tools to create size-inclusive, ergonomically sound environments that prioritise the health and safety of all individuals.
Whether you’re seeking support for your own health journey, looking to enhance your organisation’s approach to care, or interested in our training programs, we invite you to join us.

Want to be a
plus-size ally?

Download our guide: Five Actions of a Size-Inclusive Ally

Register Your Interest

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Register Your Interest

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch with more information.