For Healthcare Service Providers

Enhancing care and workplace wellness in healthcare settings

Healthcare organisations have a strategic and moral imperative to provide excellent care to patients in larger bodies while ensuring a safe, ergonomic environment for staff.

With two-thirds of the population affected by overweight or obesity, there’s a growing need for healthcare services to adapt their practices to offer compassionate care without compromising staff well-being or patient experience.

At Laneways, we specialise in bariatric care consultation, education, and training, acknowledging that it is through enhancing staff capabilities, the work environment and governance that we’re better able to provide tailored, quality care to patients in larger bodies, delivering more positive consumer experiences.

Our approach also extends to workplace wellness and ergonomics, focusing on creating safer work environments, reducing injuries and workcover claims, and ensuring compliance with occupational health and safety laws.

Bariatric Care Consultation and Training

We provide consultation, education and training opportunities that empower healthcare organisations to be a leader in caring for patients living with obesity, developing a reputation for compassion and excellence in healthcare delivery.

Engaged and confident employees

Reduction in complaints

Positive experiences for patients and staff

Respected for excellence in care

Bariatric Consultation and Service Design

We offer comprehensive consultation services to enhance healthcare services’ capability to deliver excellence in care to patients in larger bodies. Our services encompass both responsive support and management of individual patients, along with strategic capability building initiatives.

Our approach involves analysing current practices, providing tailored advice, developing effective strategies, and facilitating the implementation of programs aimed at positioning organisations as leaders in bariatric care.

We can also work with you to help design and deliver your bariatric services:
– Individual client management including equipment prescription and sourcing, rehabilitation and service/care transfer planning
– Workplace governance, including language and policies
– Design and layout of workstations and workspace
– Appropriate mobility equipment and tools
– Enhancing staff capability through training and education

Size-Inclusivity and Weight Stigma Training

Discover the science behind body size diversity and strategies to combat weight stigma in your workplace through this 90-minute online or in-person training, customised to your business.

Staff will gain practical strategies for creating a welcoming environment for patients of all sizes, and learn how to implement size-inclusive language and actions in their daily practice and workplace.

This training covers:
– Obesity science
– Combatting weight stigma
– The fat positive and size inclusivity movements
– Size-inclusive language and behaviour
– How to create a more size-inclusive workplace environment

This is a 90-minute live training tailored to your unique workplace needs. It includes time for question and answer to create an action plan for your organisation, and comes with a workplace improvement plan to help you make your environment more size-inclusive.

Clinical Excellence in Caring for Those Living with Obesity Workshop

Combining theory with live training and hands-on clinical simulations, this workshop is designed to enhance your staff’s ability to offer compassionate, size-inclusive care to patients in larger bodies.

Participants will gain insights into obesity science, learn to advocate for  patients in larger bodies, and master the art of navigating weight discussions sensitively.

A 90-minute pre-recorded training to dive into the science of body size diversity and the principles of size inclusivity and weight stigma. You’ll learn how to adopt size-inclusive language and behaviours in your clinical practice.
A 90-minute online or in-person masterclass to learn a framework for discussing patient weight sensitively. We’ll discuss what to do if a patient is offended, and how to proceed when they are receptive to the conversation.

This 60-minute simulation led by larger bodied, lived-experience simulators provides a unique opportunity to refine your clinical skills and enhance your ability to navigate sensitive discussions effectively, all while in a supportive environment.

A total of 4 hours of training along with worksheets, checklists and clinical tools, you’ll complete this workshop with greater confidence and proficiency in treating larger patients with respect and ease.


Workplace Wellness and Ergonomics

Creating a healthier, more productive workplace is integral to business success and patient outcomes. We address the critical aspects of ergonomics in the healthcare setting to help give your staff the skills and confidence to complete their tasks safely without injury.

Improved culture and staff capability

Less injuries and absenteeism

Reduced workcover claims & premiums

Confidence in OH&S compliance

Workstation Design and Workflow Optimisation for Injury Prevention Workshop

In this 2-hour live workshop, attendees learn ergonomics principles to assess, recommend, and enhance workstation design, minimising the risk of workplace injuries. Additionally, participants will acquire valuable skills for evaluating and optimising workflows. Through hands-on practice and collaborative problem-solving, attendees will have the opportunity to address common risks in a supportive environment.

We also offer customised workstation and workflow assessments including ergonomic equipment purchase advice, tailored to your specific needs.

Manual Handling Consultation and Service Design

Our comprehensive workplace injury reduction consultation service uses structured human factors analysis and biomechanical knowledge to provide effective solutions to increase workplace safety and increase worker engagement.

– Complex patient consultation and planning
– Speciality disability and mobility equipment prescription and planning
– Environmental access planning
– Staff manual handling skills development, including compliance and competency training
– Teaching hazardous manual handling principles, hierarchy of control, and task risk analysis
– Teaching patient manual handling principles, including patient dependence classification and safe working load
– Equipment competence training, covering gait aids, standing machines, hoists, etc.
– Advanced skills training, such as mobilisation with vital lines, managing unstable wounds, and assessing patient falls.

We can also support you with manual handling program design, covering governance, physical environment, and staff capability to ensure a holistic approach to workplace safety.

Workplace Wellness Workshop

This 90-minute live training session, available in-person or online, helps staff gain a deeper understanding of factors contributing to good health.

We’ll demonstrate how making incremental changes to workplace and workday design, as well as establishing healthy personal and workplace habits, can significantly improve longevity and enhance performance.

This training covers:
– Factors contributing to physical and mental health
– Managing daily workflow
– Design of workstations for positive work environments
– Nourishment and movement
– Stress, sleep and workload management

This training includes the opportunity for question and answer and a quality of life self-assessment & development plan to help participants evaluate their personal habits and identify areas for improvement.

Small Group Exercise Sessions

We can develop and facilitate customised small group exercise sessions to align with your corporate wellness and human resource objectives.

These sessions are specifically tailored to fulfil your goals of fostering team cohesion, promoting relaxation, or enhancing team health and fitness goals.



The right language to use when talking about someones body size is highly personal. If you feel comfortable, and it is appropriate, it is always best to ask a person how they would like to address their size.

As a general guide large, big or plus size are appropriate layman terms and smaller/straight sized should be used as the comparative. e.g. I am a large person and he is a straight sized or smaller person.

Obese is a medical term which is appropriate to be used for communication between healthcare workers where a diagnosis has been made. Bariatric is a medical term which describes weight loss initiatives such as bariatric surgery or dietetics services specifically aimed at weight loss.

We welcome general feedback, suggestions and compliments and are committed to continuous improvement. If you have a complaint or privacy concern, please reach out to our staff in the first instance. If you are unhappy with the response please contact management directly via phone, email, or our ‘Contact Us’ page. We take all feedback seriously and will address your concerns promptly.

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Register Your Interest

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch with more information. 

Want to be a
plus-size ally?

Download our guide: Five Actions of a Size-Inclusive Ally